The importance of reading to your children.

As teachers we read generally every day to our students, however this is the only form of oral reading some children receive. This I feel is where we are failing our children. I grew up in a house where everyone talked to me as well as my sister. I was encouraged to read and write even if I was writing my name backwards. In today's society parents don't take the time to talk to their children let alone sit down and read to them. By not reading or talking to your child you are hindering them once they start school. children who are not being immersed in literacy at an early age struggle to pick up reading as well as struggle learning their letters and sound. Not speaking to your children also causes them to struggle socially as well as picking up on things at  school. Talking and interacting with your child is the greatest gift you can give them mentally and physically. It not only shows them you care, it shows you want to talk to them; it shows them how to converse and interact with people. As a teacher we not only teach the child new things but the parents as well. Both my parents are teachers giving me a front row seat to the trials teachers face with the educational system of today. My goal as a teacher is to prepare my babies for the real world as well as life in general. So parents pick up a book or download an app and read to your kids. Put the phone down, don't go to the party spend time with your child.

"To Learn to Read is to Light a Fire."
-Victor Hugo 
